Regeneration Project: Los Comales
View from Los Comales with La Laguna hidden below.
Since January 2022, we have been in conversations to secure a private credit to purchase an 8 Ha. coffee farm that uses industrial agriculture practices. This land is extremely important for us because it is located at the top of our watershed that gets polluted with synthetic pesticides and fertilizers. Securing this land for the cooperative will allow us to start a regenerative project that will switch the farm to agroecological practices and create a permaculture school. We will also build a ceremonial altar to integrate spirituality and the awakening of consciousness with the agroecological and regenerative work.
In just a few years, we will be able to regenerate the forest, the soil, and the waters and offer demonstrations and teachings for other small farmers so that we can accelerate the process towards wholistic regeneration and the awakening of consciousness.